The Luz is the name of a human bone which, according to our Jewish Sages, never decays and from which a body will be rebuilt.
The endurance of singles is strong. Single life challenges individuals to rebuild and establish connections to illuminate their future years.
For all the while that the body is decomposing in darkness, it awaits the illumination that it will receive from that dew [tal]. When that happens, G‑d will use the Luz bone to rebuild the newly resurrected body. This is the meaning of the sages’ statement that “the Luz bone remains intact forever.” (Zohar III:222a:)
Just like a person could be resurrected from the luz bone – an individual’s interest toward Jewish community, friendship, partnership, and dating can be revived when there is a relevant opportunity to participate within in an updated community of single adults.
Finally, the luz can symbolize the point where physical and spiritual meet. It is nourished only from melave malka, the meal eaten between the spiritual Shabbat and the physical weekday. Melave malkas will be a featured program option for The Luz House.